Businesses are the preferred targets of economic espionage and cyber-attacks. Information security should be one of the most important issues of the corporate management. The importance of online crime has been growing steadily in the last years. Furthermore, the value of „data“ is steadily growing and those data are becoming the favorite targets for cyber-attacks. It does not matter whether it is an internal process, a development project, customer data or contractual material: hackers know how to make profit from every kind of “stolen” data.
Cyber-Attacks, Trojan, Viruses: IT-Law and IT-Security
In addition to the technical infrastructure, we thoroughly need to focus on the “human factor”. In many cases, an imprudent action is enough to facilitate a cyber-attack, and welcome a virus or a Trojan into the system: a rashly opening of an email attachment for instance, can be the right occasion for an unexpected cyber-attack. Before a real damage occurs, we suggest you to develop a strong IT-security strategy.
Anyone who has ever experienced a system failure or a loss of data knows how vulnerable we have become in the daily office work, in the production sector and in our every-day life. Especially the recently intensified, targeted attacks on company networks reveal the dimension of the problem. A “successful” attack can destroy sensitive company data that in the wrong hands can destroy data stocks or even complete systems, thus jeopardizing the existence of a business in the most extreme case.
More than ever, therefore, prevention is better than cure. A well-thought IT-safety concept, which is exactly tailored to the needs of a company, saves a lot of time and money in the event of damage, or prevents it from ever happening.
Security Guidelines
In many cases, easy-to-use security measures are sufficient to ward off a major part of the threat: virus protection, firewall, spam filter and endpoint security, daily updates and data backup, as well as strictly adhered security guidelines, such as secure passwords.
Legal IT-Safety
Appropriate legal protective measures must be taken into account by means of a corresponding contractual arrangement not only of the IT contracts, but also in the employment contracts, company agreements as well as individual contractual sensitization as well as the mapping of an IT compliance structure. Even a consistent IT outsourcing, whether in subsidiaries or external service providers, can increase IT security. As a result, no additional costs are generated, but enormous risks are minimized.