Kategorie: it procurement law

IT Law, IT Contract Law, Data Protection Law, Media Law, Internet Law, IT License Law, IT Procurement Law, IT Outsourcing, Software Law, IT Projects Law, International IT Law, Open Source Law, Copyright Law, Compliance, Apps, SAAS, IP Law, AI Law, Artificial Intelligence

IT-Legal Framework

IT law is a cross-sectional matter that encompasses many areas of law, such as copyright law, civil law, trademark/domain law, telecommunications law as well as public law (especially e-government) and procedural law. In order to allow yourself a legally safe framework it is suggested to consult a specialized IT-Law legal team as many areas of…

27. März 2023 0

Facebook – Obbligation to use clear names: Tribunal Decision

Facebook defeated in dispute over obligation to use clear names. Long-registered users may continue to use pseudonyms on the platform, the judges at the Federal Supreme Court have ruled. However, the ruling only applies to old cases. Karlsruhe According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), Facebook must accept that users who…

27. Januar 2022 0

German IT Law

We are experts in the IT industry at all stages of its value chain. In addition, our lawyer, graduate engineer, Mr. Michael Horak, has been working for more than 25 years in the sector of IT law. Michael Horak, in fact, not only was an excellent law school student, but also studied electrical engineering with…

22. August 2018 0