Schlagwort: facebook

IT Law, IT Contract Law, Data Protection Law, Media Law, Internet Law, IT License Law, IT Procurement Law, IT Outsourcing, Software Law, IT Projects Law, International IT Law, Open Source Law, Copyright Law, Compliance, Apps, SAAS, IP Law, AI Law, Artificial Intelligence

Facebook – Obbligation to use clear names: Tribunal Decision

Facebook defeated in dispute over obligation to use clear names. Long-registered users may continue to use pseudonyms on the platform, the judges at the Federal Supreme Court have ruled. However, the ruling only applies to old cases. Karlsruhe According to a ruling by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), Facebook must accept that users who…

27. Januar 2022 0

Facebook law

The legal relationships of Facebook users (as well as in relation to third parties) are constantly changing as a result of new „provisions“ (General Terms of Use of Facebook), special agreements, and new opportunities advertised or offered by Facebook, as well as amendments to the jurisprudence and legislation. This sort of „flood“ of regulations is…

23. August 2018 0